




What is the meaning of the following element in HTML...

margin:0 0 0 847px  **!important;**  margin:0 0 0 848px..

Is it related to the browsers???

+3  A: 

CSS rules marked !important take precedence over later rules. So in your case, the first, the first margin definition will be considered, i.e. 0 0 0 847px.

+2  A: 

That's not HTML. That's something called CSS. It tells your browser how to format HTML. For example, this CSS is setting the margins around a certain element to be 847 pixels on one side.

Dave Markle
Dave, I accidentally edited your answer when I wanted to edit mine. I rolled it back. Sorry.
+1  A: 

It's CSS, not HTML.

The !important means that the HTML element that the CSS applies to should have a left-margin of 847 pixels and this should not be overridden by later styles. It which case the 848px following is ignored.

+3  A: 

The reason for this particular order is that Internet Explorer did not interpret !important up to version 6. Thus, the second margin instruction applies to Internet Explorer <= 6 only.

This is called a browser hack. A good overview on browser hacks is here.

thanks for the answer but somewhere in the web sites I find that the next part of the above style specified after !important is meant for the entire IE .. such as this link...http://www.evolt.org/ten-css-tricks-you-may-not-know