



I use GhostDoc for the XML-Documentation of my code, and it has a neat "auto-document"-function I use quite often, so now I used it on an enumeration and it came up with some strange hash-code I don't quite understand.

What is it for? Looks sort of like this:



Hi Apo,

this is a String representation of a Guid. See the System.Guid type for more details.

Guids are essentially random codes (some types of Guids depend on MAC-Address or time though) which is so unlikely to occur again in this corner of SpaceTime that is can be considered to be unique in all Creation.

David Rutten
But why are they only added to `Enum`s and not to classes? Don't quite get the point... still, answer is correct I assume
+1  A: 

I just discovered the same, and I think it is a bug in GhostDoc. Funningly enough, it only happens (in my machine) when your enum values are all in the same line, i.e., something like this:

 enum GhostDocBug {
     Funny, Guid, Appearing

If you put each value in its own line, it goes away
