




Well i got a page that sends emails and everything runs fine in the developer web server but when i publish to a IIS Server i get a FormatException when i try to send the mail.... ex.Message = "the specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address."

the email is in this sample [email protected]

Im using the "SmtpClient" and the "MailMessage" classes to send mails..

And the server runs windows server 2003

Edit: Im using same smtp settings on the Dev Webserver as im doing in IIS.

+1  A: 

Check that you've enabled local email relaying for the SMTP service on your Windows Server 2003 box. By 'local' I mean that applications on your local machine can use the SMTP service to relay emails - but you almost certainly don't want to allow external connections to do the same.

David Gardiner
how do i check that?
Assuming of course that you are using a local SMTP service..Open up the IIS MMC and go to the SMTP service.Edit the properties to allow local connections (eg.
David Gardiner
+1  A: 

Hi, Make sure you don't have any invisible whitespace around your email address. For example, if you are getting the email from a database, or input control, try trimming it, like:

mail.To.Add( New MailAddress( txtEmailAddress.Text.Trim() ) )

Cheers! Dave

dave wanta
Good idear but didnt help... any way it works in my web developer server but not on one of our IIS Servers...

If any one gets this problem the solution is don't use the empty constructor of MailMessage!!!!!
