I'm attempting to pull the latest version of source code out of TFS programmatically using the SDK, and what I've done somehow does not work:
string workspaceName = "MyWorkspace";
string projectPath = "/TestApp";
string workingDirectory = "C:\Projects\Test\TestApp";
VersionControlServer sourceControl; // actually instantiated before this method...
Workspace[] workspaces = sourceControl.QueryWorkspaces(workspaceName, sourceControl.AuthenticatedUser, Workstation.Current.Name);
if (workspaces.Length > 0)
sourceControl.DeleteWorkspace(workspaceName, sourceControl.AuthenticatedUser);
Workspace workspace = sourceControl.CreateWorkspace(workspaceName, sourceControl.AuthenticatedUser, "Temporary Workspace");
workspace.Map(projectPath, workingDirectory);
GetRequest request = new GetRequest(new ItemSpec(projectPath, RecursionType.Full), VersionSpec.Latest);
GetStatus status = workspace.Get(request, GetOptions.GetAll | GetOptions.Overwrite); // this line doesn't do anything - no failures or errors
if (workspace != null)
The approach is basically creating a temporary workspace, using the Get()
method to grab all the items for this project, and then removing the workspace. Is this the correct way to do this? Any examples would be helpful.