Where is the SQL outputting when setting show_sql in NHibernate?
I have ReSharper as well.
Where is the SQL outputting when setting show_sql in NHibernate?
I have ReSharper as well.
I believe it is outputted to the console.
But if you setup the log4net then you can get a logfile of everything that NHibernate does.
I do this programmatically and have a config file that specifies whether to do this or not. I found it better than setting in the hibernate configuration file
I just had a look at the source code and their is a function called LogSqlInConsole() (Cfg.Loquacious.DbIntegrationConfiguration).
This is called from the Cfg.Loquacious.SettingsFactory which then says log.Info("echoing all SQL to stdout")
This is the log4net logger and I believe if you don't setup any configuration file it defaults to the console.