



I'm using MvcContrib to do my Spring.Net ASP.Net MVC controller dependency injection. My dependencies are not being injected into my CustomAttribute action filter. How to I get my dependencies into it?

Say you have an ActionFilter that looks like so: public class CustomAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute, ICustomAttribute { private IAwesomeService awesomeService;

public CustomAttribute(){}

public CustomAttribute(IAwesomeService awesomeService)
      this.awesomeService= awesomeService;

public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
     //Do some work


With a Spring.Net configuration section that looks like so:

And you use the Attribute like so: [Custom] public FooController : Controller { //Do some work }


So, could you solve this issue? Were you able to inject your dependencies into the Custom attribute?



The tough part here is that ActionFilters seem to get instantiated new with each request and in a context that is outside of where Spring is aware. I handled the same situations using the Spring "ContextRegistry" class in my ActionFilter constructor. Unfortunately it introduces Spring specific API usage into your code, which is a good practice to avoid, if possible.

Here's what my constructor looks like:

public MyAttribute()
    CustomHelper = ContextRegistry.GetContext().GetObject("CustomHelper") as IConfigHelper;

Keep in mind that if you are loading multiple Spring contexts, you will need to specify which context you want in the GetContext(...) method.
