



In my experience, .net is 2 to 3 times slower than native code. (I implemented L-BFGS for multivariate optimization).

I have traced the ads on stackoverflow to

the speed is really amazing, the speed is close to native code. How can they do that? They said that:

Q. Is NMath "pure" .NET?

A. The answer depends somewhat on your definition of "pure .NET". NMath is written in C#, plus a small Managed C++ layer. For better performance of basic linear algebra operations, however, NMath does rely on the native Intel Math Kernel Library (included with NMath). But there are no COM components, no DLLs--just .NET assemblies. Also, all memory allocated in the Managed C++ layer and used by native code is allocated from the managed heap.

Can someone explain more to me?


+1  A: 

The key is C++/CLI. It allows you to compile C++ code into a managed .NET assembly.

Darin Dimitrov
My experience C++/CLI is 2 - 3 times slower. I first coded my Logistic Regression using L-BFGS as optimization algorithm. Then I made a CLI wapper to it. So that the library is callable from F# and C#. But the speed is slower.
Yin Zhu
I suppose NMath uses P/Invoke or C++/CLI to call `Intel Math Kernel Library` native functions which is where the most intensive calculations are done and which is why it is so fast.
Darin Dimitrov
+4  A: 

The point about C++/CLI is correct. To complete the picture, just two additional interesting points:

  • .NET memory management (garbage collector) obviously is not the problem here, as NMath still depends on it

  • The performance advantage is actually provided by Intel MKL, which offers implementations extremely optimized for many CPUs. From my point of view, this is the crucial point. Using straight-forward, naiv C/C++ code wont necessarily give you superior performance over C#/.NET, it's sometimes even worse. However C++/CLI allows you to exploit all the "dirty" optimization options.


Since the (native) Intel MKL is doing the math, you're actually not doing the math in managed code. You're merely using the memory manager from .Net, so the outcomes are easily used by .Net code.

+4  A: 

I've posted up a blog article addressing this question.


How can they do that?

Like most of the numerical libraries for .NET, NMath is little more than a wrapper over an Intel MKL embedded in the .NET assembly, probably by linking with C++/CLI to create a mixed assembly. You've probably just benchmarked those bits that are not actually written in .NET.

The F#.NET Journal articles Numerical Libraries: special functions, interpolation and random numbers (16th March 2008) and Numerical Libraries: linear algebra and spectral methods (16th April 2008) tested quite a bit of functionality and NMath was actually the slowest of all the commercial libraries. Their PRNG was slower than all others and 50% slower than the free Math.NET library, some basic functionality was missing (e.g. the ability to calculate Gamma(-0.5)) and other basic functionality (the Gamma-related functions they did provide) was broken. Both Extreme Optimization and Bluebit beat NMath at the eigensolver benchmark. NMath didn't even provide a Fourier Transform at the time.

Even more surprisingly, the performance discrepancies were sometimes huge. The most expensive commercial numerical library we tested (IMSL) was over 500× slower than the free FFTW library at the FFT benchmark and none of the libraries made any use of multiple cores at the time.

In fact, it was precisely the poor quality of these libraries that encouraged us to commercialize our own F# for Numerics library (which is 100% pure F# code).

Jon Harrop