




I am following the "web service from pojo"[1] bottom-up guide in axis2 documentations, but the wsdl that is generated is not good. Specifically, the xsd schema that is embedded in the wsdl is not good and I want to customize it. I want to allow cyclic references, in a similar fashion to what jaxb lets you do with XMLID and XMLREFID.

Any ideas?


[1] -> http://ws.apache.org/axis2/1%5F5%5F1/pojoguide.html

+1  A: 

If you use the Netbeans plugin for AXIS2 (tutorial here) you can specify to edit the WSDL, otherwise I can't help, sorry. Maybe you could look at the options available for the ant task?

I do find AXIS2 overly painful compared to other web service frameworks, and the documentation leaves a lot to be desired.

Bedwyr Humphreys
Thanks. I evaluated axis2, metro and spring-ws, and found metro to be the "nicest". The lack of documentation in axis2, particularly about customizing the xsd (both xsd authoring and xsd generation from java code) is a sore point. metro streamlines that process very well so I ended up choosing metro.