Hi All,I am just browsing through this very old webpage,
and find this project interesting,since I just started learning C++,I really like to try doing the simplest "Tuple-At-A-Time" join as mentioned on the page using C++.
I know how Tuple-at-a-time works,but had a hard time in translating into a tuplejoin.cpp,I really need your idea to help me get started on this very simple problem. Then I will try my best to work on the "Block Nested Loop Join".
Suppose my tuplejoin.cpp has the function:
JoinSpec TupleNestedLoopJoin(JoinSpec specOfR,JoinSpec specOfS)
and we call MakeNewRecord (char *newRecord, char *r, char *s, int recLenR, int recLenS) in join.cpp each time to create new result record.
So,please help me on finishing "TupleNestedLoopJoin",I know it is a nested loop for outer relation R and inner relation S,but confused on C++ syntax or how to call other functions/classes. Thanks for the help!!