I'm working with the persistence and tracking services in Workflow Foundation and I thought it would be a good idea to use a separate schema in SQL Server just for workflow.
Unfortunately, it appears they hard-coded the default dbo schema name into their code. One example is the SqlTrackingService class. Due to the way they wrote the tracking classes, I can't override the methods to provide my own db query code.
I have thought about the following options, but some don't appear to be possible:
- Re-write tracking from scratch
- Disassemble and re-write tracking files (Licensing violation?)
- Some way to intercept and re-write sql query
- Some way to trick it into using a custom version of SqlCommand that filters CommandText
- Just go ahead and use the dbo schema for the WF stuff
- Use a completely separate database for WF.
Does anyone have any suggestions or options I haven't considered? Thanks.