



I want to display a customer's accounting history in a DataGridView and I want to have a column that displays the running total for their balance. The old way I did this was by getting the data, looping through the data, and adding rows to the DataGridView one-by-one and calculating the running total at that time. Lame. I would much rather use LINQ to SQL, or LINQ if not possible with LINQ to SQL, to figure out the running totals so I can just set DataGridView.DataSource to my data.

This is a super-simplified example of what I'm shooting for. Say I have the following class.

class Item
    public DateTime Date { get; set; }
    public decimal Amount { get; set; }
    public decimal RunningTotal { get; set; }

I would like a L2S, or LINQ, statement that could generate results that look like this:

   Date       Amount  RunningTotal
12-01-2009      5          5
12-02-2009     -5          0
12-02-2009     10         10
12-03-2009      5         15
12-04-2009    -15          0

Notice that there can be multiple items with the same date (12-02-2009). The results should be sorted by date before the running totals are calculated. I'm guessing this means I'll need two statements, one to get the data and sort it and a second to perform the running total calculation.

I was hoping Aggregate would do the trick, but it doesn't work like I was hoping. Or maybe I just couldn't figure it out.

This question seemed to be going after the same thing I wanted, but I don't see how the accepted/only answer solves my problem.

Any ideas on how to pull this off?

Edit Combing the answers from Alex and DOK, this is what I ended up with:

decimal runningTotal = 0;
var results = FetchDataFromDatabase()
    .OrderBy(item => item.Date)
    .Select(item => new Item
        Amount = item.Amount,
        Date = item.Date,
        RunningTotal = runningTotal += item.Amount
+4  A: 

Using closures and anonymous method:

List<Item> myList = FetchDataFromDatabase();

decimal currentTotal = 0;
var query = myList
               .OrderBy(i => i.Date)
               .Select(i => 
                             currentTotal += i.Amount;
                             return new { 
                                            Date = i.Date, 
                                            Amount = i.Amount, 
                                            RunningTotal = currentTotal 
foreach (var item in query)
    //do with item
Alex Bagnolini
I wish I could mark you both as the answer! Your answer was easy to understand and matches my example. I do like how DOK increments the `currentTotal` inline, during the assignment, though.
+1 SOF should have options for marking multiple answers.
Angkor Wat
+7  A: 

How about this: (credit goes to this source)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        delegate string CreateGroupingDelegate(int i);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<int> list = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 69, 2007};
            int running_total = 0;

            var result_set =
                from x in list
                select new
                    num = x,
                    running_total = (running_total = running_total + x)

            foreach (var v in result_set)
                Console.WriteLine( "list element: {0}, total so far: {1}",

Thanks! I like how you assign `running_total` inline. That's pretty slick.
`running_total = (running_total = running_total + x)` => Mind blown. I will surely remember this for the next time :)
Alex Bagnolini