I have been tasked to convert out VB6 program to VB.NET. In my research online everyone seems to say I need to go through my code and get rid of any Variants I have. I have had pretty good luck so far, but I am having an issue in replacing this one.
Private Sub lvThumbView_OLEDragDrop(Data As MSComctlLib.DataObject)
Dim File As Variant
For Each File In Data.Files
Select Case UCase(right(File, 3))
Case "JPG", "BMP"
End Select
Next File
End Sub
I am still pretty new to VB (either 6 or .net) and I am having a hard time finding an alternative for this. Will the convert tool in VB.net handle this just fine? Or do I need to change this? If I do, is there a better alternative for this? Forgive my noobness.
Thank you in advance.