I am working on writing unit tests properly, and I wonder is it bad technique to test the result of a method under test by calling another method to verify the result?
ie. in the below example I can only check that an StoreObject method call was successful(ie. a object being stored in the cache) by calling either FetchObject or the HasCachedObjects property, both of which contain logic that should be tested separately. What would you do in this case where the result is hidden from the public API?
I have a Cache class:
public class Cache {
private Dictionary<string, object> _Cache = null;
public bool HasCachedObjects {
get {
if (_Cache.Count > 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public Cache() {
_Cache = new Dictionary<string,object>();
public void StoreObject(string key, object obj) {
_Cache[key] = obj;
public object FetchObject(string key) {
if (_Cache.ContainsKey(key)) {
return _Cache[key];
return null;