By using a mock for an interface.
Say you have your class ImplClass
which uses the interface Finder
and you want to make sure the Search
function gets called with the argument "hello";
so we have:
public interface Finder
public string Search(string arg);
public class ImplClass
public ImplClass(Finder finder)
public void doStuff();
Then you can write a mock for your test code
private class FinderMock : Finder
public int numTimesCalled = 0;
string expected;
public FinderMock(string expected)
this.expected = expected;
public string Search(string arg)
Assert.AreEqual(expected, arg);
then the test code:
FinderMock mock = new FinderMock("hello");
ImplClass impl = new ImplClass(mock);
Assert.AreEqual(1, mock.numTimesCalled);