




Hi All,
I would like to hear from you all as to how to organize stuffs like reference sites(URLs), learning materials at a central place. This should help if quick finding of material when in need. Basically storing all informative materials together and faster accessability.

I am trying to keep track of good learning materials and categorize it according to technologies like C#.NET, ASP.NET, SQL etc.

Regards, Justin Samuel.


A lot of people use http://delicious.com/, I personally use something I wrote; as well as trac.

But to be honest, mostly I use google (when online, anyway).

Noon Silk

Tiddly wiki. It's like a wki but instead of one page per topic, it's one boxful of text per topic, with as many boxes aka "tiddlys" on one page. It's a self-modifying html file full of javascript; no web server at all. After the initial learning curve of about an hour, it becomes useful.

I've been stashing all kinds of reference material, links, notes, how-to cheat sheets, etc. organized by language, day of the week, project, or other categories, and now consider it to be my "Third Hemisphere"


There was a discusson on Joel's about organizing notes with mention of tiddlywiki. http://discuss.joelonsoftware.com/default.asp?joel.3.646091.33 and also http://discuss.joelonsoftware.com/default.asp?joel.3.679489.28 and http://discuss.joelonsoftware.com/default.asp?joel.3.608573.14
