Since (starting with FrameWork 1.1) logical-and "&&" : "only evaluates its second operand if necessary."
What's wrong with :
if(someStatement && someOtherStatement)
// more whatever
// raise an exception, call a method, show messagebox, whatever
Depending on the complexity of logical evaluation going on if the first clause evaluates to true : and you, possibly, implement lots of other tests, any number of which could result in errors : all of which you want handled in the identical way : I'd consider it mandatory to either raise a specific exception, call a method to handle the error, or put the whole thing in a try-catch block (which can be quite ugly if there's a lot of code).
A low-down-dirty-sneaky method I would use if it was a reasonable presumption that the possibility of error was quite remote 99% of the time the code was called : I'd set a boolean flag to reflect an error state : evaluate it on completion of the complex code block, and do what needed to be done : of course if your code branches off somewhere as a result of these internal evaluations : that would not be a good thing.