I have a hidden div that is pulled down over an updatepanel while it loads, using an updatepanelanimationextender. It's incompatible with some of the ajax.net stuff with the current version ajaxcontroltoolkit:
<cc1:UpdatePanelAnimationExtender ID="UpdatePanelAnimationExtender1"
TargetControlID="upnlCreatevisits" runat="server">
<Parallel duration="0">
<ScriptAction Script="onUpdating('Loader_upnlCreatevisits', 'divupnlCreatevisits')" />
<Parallel duration="0">
<ScriptAction Script="onUpdated('Loader_upnlCreatevisits', 'divupnlCreatevisits');" />
What can I use instead? I wrote two javascript functions which you can see that handle showing and hiding the div, I guess I just need a control that has an onupdating and onupdated method to trigger them.
AnimationExtender isnt really suitable because there's no animation going on (fading etc.)