



Hello SO Experts,

I am new to SharePoint Services and I hit a wall with one of my tasks. I need to retrieve data from a Site Column. How do I get about that? So far I only see APIs that can retrieve lists and not site columns.

Please let me know if any of you know to do this.

Thanks !!

+1  A: 
using(SPSite site = new SPSite("http://portal"))
    using (SPWeb web = site.RootWeb)
        foreach (SPField field in web.Fields)

These will give you all the columns for a web (in this case, the RootWeb). If your site column is related to a list, you need to get directly from the SPListItem property (ex.: item["CustomAssociatedColumn"])

Thanks there, I was actually trying to retrieve the Statuses from the Tasks list from a site. I would really appreciate it if you can show how its done. Anyway again, thanks again for answering my question.
Benjamin Wong
Resolved the thing, you have been a great help F.Aquino. Hope to be able to return the favor one day :)
Benjamin Wong
glad it worked! :)