



I'm having problems getting a simple URL to tokenize properly so that you can search it as expected.

I'm indexing "" with the StandardAnalyzer and it is tokenizing the string as the following (debug output):


In general it looks good, http itself, then the hostname but the issue seems to come with the forward slashes. Surely it should consider them as seperate words?

What do I need to do to correct this?


P.S. I'm using Lucene.NET but I really don't think it makes much of a difference with regards to the answers.

+1  A: 

You should parse the URL yourself (I imagine there's at least one .Net class that can parse a URL string and tease out the different elements), then add those elements (such as the host, or whatever else you're interested in filtering on) as Keywords; don't Analyze them at all.

Jonathan Feinberg
+2  A: 

The StandardAnalyzer, which uses the StandardTokenizer, doesn't tokenize urls (although it recognised emails and treats them as one token). What you are seeing is it's default behaviour - splitting on various punctuation characters. The simplest solution might be to use a write a custom Analyzer and supply a UrlTokenizer, that extends/modifies the code in StandardTokenizer, to tokenize URLs. Something like:

public class MyAnalyzer extends Analyzer {

public MyAnalyzer() {

public TokenStream tokenStream(String fieldName, Reader reader) {
 TokenStream result = new MyUrlTokenizer(reader);
 result = new LowerCaseFilter(result);
 result = new StopFilter(result);
 result = new SynonymFilter(result);

 return result;


Where the URLTokenizer splits on /, - _ and whatever else you want. Nutch may also have some relevant code, but I don't know if there's a .NET version.

Note that if you have a distinct fieldName for urls then you can modify the above code the use the StandardTokenizer by default, else use the UrlTokenizer.


public TokenStream tokenStream(String fieldName, Reader reader) {
 TokenStream result = null;
            if (fieldName.equals("url")) {
                  result = new MyUrlTokenizer(reader);
            } else {
                  result = new StandardTokenizer(reader);
I know this is Java - but same principle, in theory, for .NET
Thanks for the information, I've look at the StandardTokenizer and I really don't understand half of it! I don't need or want all of the code handed to me on a plate but a nudge in the right direction of how to create a customer tokenizer based on those stop characters would be amazing. Thanks.
You can probably just copy it and edit it to add the additional tokens you need. BTW - i should have mentioned, if any of your analyzers are doing any expensive initialisation (like hige lists of stop words) you should use the reusableTokenStream method.
Thanks Joel. I ended up creating a tokenizer which inherited from CharTokenizer as this seemed simpler and did what I required.