I have been searching some .css layouts for asp.net mvc model.
I like the suggested view, but I want to give a new look to my application just applying a new color scheme.
Someone find some nice schema?
I have been searching some .css layouts for asp.net mvc model.
I like the suggested view, but I want to give a new look to my application just applying a new color scheme.
Someone find some nice schema?
If you want to change the color scheme you might want to try Kuler http://kuler.adobe.com/#themes/newest?time=30
You select the color scheme you like and click on this button. Next you select the hex value and copy/past this in the css file of the MVC application, replacing the original color value. Don't forget about the # character!
Or if you are on this page: http://kuler.adobe.com/#create/fromacolor. You can create your own color scheme.