I need to generate a resource domain prefix based on a given path and configured number of resource domains in a deterministic fashion with good distribution. For example, if you pass it the path "/script/site.js" it returns "res#", where '#' is an integer between 0 and the configured amount of resource domains.
Using C# 3.0.
So far have this:
var resourceDomainCount = 4;
var hasher = System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1.Create();
var paths = new [] {
foreach (var path in paths) {
var pathHash = hasher.ComputeHash(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(path));
var singleByteHash = pathHash.Aggregate(0, (a, b) => a ^ b);
var random = new Random((int)singleByteHash);
var resourceDomainIndex = random.Next(0, resourceDomainCount);
(resourceDomainIndex + ": " + path).Dump();
Which produces the following:
3: /App_Themes.0.1.433.232/images/buttonsBackgrounds.jpg
0: /App_Themes.0.1.433.232/images/blahblah.jpg
1: /App_Themes.0.1.433.232/images/pagebg.gif
1: /App_Themes.0.1.433.232/site.css
3: /script/site.js
1: /App_Themes.0.1.433.232/images/different.jpg
3: /App_Themes.0.1.433.232/images/shadows.jpg
1: /Handlers/ImageHandler.ashx?type=l&id=123&s=g&index=0
1: /Handlers/ImageHandler.ashx?type=l&id=234&s=g&index=0
0: /Handlers/ImageHandler.ashx?type=l&id=345&s=g&index=0
2: /Handlers/ImageHandler.ashx?type=p&id=MyProduct&s=g&index=0
1: /Handlers/ImageHandler.ashx?type=p&id=WineGreat&s=g&index=0
0: /Handlers/ImageHandler.ashx?type=p&id=YayYay&s=g&index=0
Not getting the distribution I want (there is only one instance of '2' there).
There are thousands of input strings that change all the time and the paths will be generated at runtime, e.g.: <a href="<%= GetPath("/script/site.js") %>">Link</a>