I have created one regular expression which is supposed to match for line starting with Project followed by either # or : or - followed by 1 to 3 digit number or simply Title. For example, following lines should get matched
Project # 1
Project :1
Project Title
but following should not match
Project ABCD
My Project
Projects handled
My regular expression is as follows :
^(\s)*?((Project( )*?(#|:|-| )( )*?(\d){1,3})|(PROJECT( )*?(#|:|-| )( )*?(\d){1,3})|Project Title|PROJECT TITLE)\b
Project keyword should be at the start of the line.
For some text, this regular expression is working fine. But this regular expression is matching following line :
Projects Handled:
I have no clue why it is happening. Can anyone find out what is wrong with my regular expression?
I am using C# to do this.
Thanks in advance !!!