You have a few options:
- If you know the Integer value is always non-negative, you can slice the string to omit the leading blank.
- You can use the Ada.Strings.Fixed.Trim() function to trim off the blank.
- You can use the Put() procedure from an Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO instantiation (such as the preinstantiated Ada.Integer_Text_IO).
Here's some code to illustrate:
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Ada.Strings.Fixed;
procedure Int_Image is
use Ada.Text_IO;
use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
N : Integer := 20;
Raw_Image : constant String := Integer'Image(N);
Trimmed_Image : constant String := Trim(Raw_Image, Ada.Strings.Left);
Sliced_Image : constant String := Raw_Image(2 .. Raw_Image'Last);
Put_Line("Raw 'image :" & Raw_Image & ":");
Put_Line("Trimmed image :" & Trimmed_Image & ":");
Put_Line("Sliced image :" & Sliced_Image & ":");
Put ("'Put' image :");
Put (N, Width => 0);
end Int_Image;
Compiling and running this with GNAT yields:
Raw 'image : 20:
Trimmed image :20:
Sliced image :20:
'Put' image :20: