




I have a batch-file with commands to upload my web-app code to its production server, from my dev machine (Windows XP S3) to the live one (CentOS). It cleans, minifys and unifys HTML, CSS and Javascript files. Then it FTPs everything to the server. I'm using vsftpd ssh (server) and PSFTP.exe (client).

It connects ok, but when processing a batch-file with FTP commands, it onlys processes the first line.

an excerpt from the batch file with ftp commands:

lcd d:/htdocs/webapp/app/www/css
cd /home/user/www/
put webappstyle.css

why does it only process the first line? it returns the "new local directory is..." and then issues a 'quit' command. Even if I change the 'cd' command to the first line, it only does that one line.

thanks, cheers