I have been checking around MSDN and Microsoft.com but i can only find Archived forums. Are there any microsoft run forums for DirectX anymore?
It's here: http://forums.xna.com/forums/
You will find everything related to XNA, D3D, D3D10, D3D11 etc.
Stringer Bell
2009-12-05 00:40:48
There's also the DirectX-Dev mailing list; go to http://discussms.hosting.lsoft.com/SCRIPTS/WA-MSD.EXE?A0=DIRECTXDEV to subscribe or browse the archives. It's pretty specific to D3D, but if that's what you're interested in there's quite a few experienced and helpful people on the list.
Jesse Hall
2009-12-05 08:20:15
Best not to ask questions there unless you know your theory. You'll get a great answer but you won't necessarily understand it ;)
2009-12-05 17:30:16