



I'm writing a script to merge 2 Word templates into 1 master document, depending on some criteria. This is what I have so far:

{if mergefield effort_ } = 5 "{ includtext "C:\\1\\PL5.doc"}" ""{includetext "C:\\1\\PL6.doc"}"}

The merged doc works fine, but in my PL5 and PL6 files, I have some headers and footers. The merged doc can only contain the main content of the merging letters. I was able to google some code, but it doesnt work. Will you please help?

Sub mklink()
    Dim w As Range
    Dim p As String
    Dim q As String
    Dim s As String

    ''# select current word
    Set w = Selection.Range

    ''# bookmark it
    ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Add Range:=w, Name:="bm"

    ''# create the link field code text
    p = ActiveDocument.FullName
    q = Replace(p, "\", "\\") 'Must escape filename backslashes
    s = "link word.document.12 " & q & " bm \a \r"

    ''# Put field code in footer
    With ActiveDocument.Sections(1)
        .Footers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range.Fields.Add Range:=.Footers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range, Text:=s
    End With

End Sub