I'm running this C code
#define STACKSIZE 65536
char d[STACKSIZE];
if (((int) &d[STACKSIZE-1]) - ((int) &d[0]) + 1 != STACKSIZE) {
Printf ("Stack space reservation failed\n");
Exit ();
printf("Allocated from %d to %d so for %d bytes\n", &d, d+sizeof(d), sizeof(d));
auto int a = 3;
printf("Now the stack pointer is on %d\n",&a);
And i get as output Allocated from -4262832 to -4197296 so for 65536 bytes Now the stack pointer is on -4262836
This means that the variable "a" is put on the stack AFTER the array. But if I use a variable length array (an array whose length is setted in run time) I get the opposite behaviour: a is put on the the stack BEFORE the array.
This is the code (it is the same but the size of the array is setted in runtime)
#define STACKSIZE 65536
int i = 1;
char d[i*STACKSIZE];
if (((int) &d[STACKSIZE-1]) - ((int) &d[0]) + 1 != STACKSIZE) {
Printf ("Stack space reservation failed\n");
Exit ();
printf("Allocated from %d to %d so for %d bytes\n", &d, d+sizeof(d), sizeof(d));
auto int a = 3;
printf("Now the stack pointer is on %d\n",&a);
This is the output
Allocated from -4262856 to -4197320 so for 65536 bytes Now the stack pointer is on -4197312
So, what is the problem? How can I solve it (using variable length array and putting variables on the stack after it).
Thank you!