Wow, I'm amazed this url is still valid!
If you want to create a DBF with the BDE API, you can use the techniques here:
However, depending on the size of the dataset you're going to have, this sounds like a single-user app, which would work just fine with a "MyBase" file -- another name for the files used by TClientDataSet. You can save it either as XML or binary (CDS) format by simply setting the TClientDataSet.FileName property, which will be used to read and write the dataset. You can even create nested datasets with this.
If you want to have the most efficient single user mode, also turn off the ChangeLog on the TClientDataSet.
procedure TFormCDSDataBug.ButtonOpenClick(Sender: TObject);
ClientDataSet1.FileName := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'MyData.cds';
ClientDataSet1.LogChanges := False;