



Hi all,

I want to implement url-rewrite into an webapplication with the module.

This is my scenario now (numbers are fictional): Browse.aspx?cid=9&countryid=85 (cid stands for category id)

Now I want something like this categoryname/countryname.html

So i figured this might work but it doesn't. Its my first time using this i must be missing something.

<rewrite url="~/(.+)/(.+).html" to="~/Browse.aspx?cid=$1&amp;countryid=$2" />

Maybe I need to use the title instead of the id on $1 and $2 but then it would be a lot harder to query things i suppose? And it means alot of rebuilding in the application

Can someone please help me get my head together for this?

Kind regards and thank you for reading, Mark

+1  A: 

It looks like your example would rewrite ~/9/85.html into Browse.aspx?cid=9&countryid=85

I suspect you're looking for something more friendly.

To solve this, give some thought to how you will be generating the *.html URLs in your pages. You could embed the category and country names there, and then just ignore them when you do the URL rewriting.


You're going to have to lookup the id's on your page with the way that you're doing it right now. Meaning /mycategory/us.html is going to turn into browse.aspx?cid=mycategory&countryid=us

There are two solutions.

1) Pass in the country and category NAMES and do a look up in your DB in browse.aspx

2) Add the id's to the url. Something like The web.config setting would be:

<rewrite url="~/(\d+)/(\d+)/(.+)/(.+).html" to="~/Browse.aspx?cid=$1&amp;countryid=$2" />

Hope that helps.

Chris Rock

Hello Mark

Probably, a request just can't reach module because IIS treats it as the request to certain file, not to ASP.NET. You may find helpful the following article:

Alex Ustinov