Hello guys this shell explain the issue , after executing the .sh file halt and nothing happen , any clue where is my mistake
its kill httpd if there is more than 10 sleep process and start the httpd with zero sleep process
#this means loop forever
while [ 1 ];
do HTTP=`ps auwxf | grep httpd | grep -v grep | wc -l`;
#the above line counts the number of httpd processes found running
#and the following line says if there were less then 10 found running
if [ $[HTTP] -lt 10 ];
then killall -9 httpd;
#inside the if now, so there are less then 10, kill them all and wait 1 second
sleep 1;
#start apache
/etc/init.d/httpd start;
#all done, sleep for ten seconds before we loop again
sleep 10;done