



I have a main form (frmMain), with some buttons (button1, button2...).

then I do this:

object objectsContainer = frmMain; // <--now the object contains form base, button1, button2...

how could I loop through all containing items in my object to access butto1, button2...???

I did this, but it's not what I want.

foreach (PropertyInfo pInfo in objectsContainer.GetType().GetProperties())     


I want to do something like this:

foreach (object objectFromForm in objectsContainer)     // <--- how to do this looping an object (type of form)
    //here is objectFromForm = base, button1, button2...
    foreach (PropertyInfo pInfo in objectFromForm .GetType().GetProperties())     
               //here it's possible to access pInfo and its properties like size, name ...

When I'm debuggin and looking at the content of objectsContainer there are all "infos" that I want.

Some suggestions??

Best regards.




OK, I made a test project. There you could see what I want to do. In the project is an image with the objects... Here you can download it:

Best regards.

+2  A: 

Why don't you just use the Controls property of the form?

foreach(var control in form.Controls)
     // Do something with the thing
Martinho Fernandes
Because: form.Controls returns only a toolstrip control but not the others inside of toolstrip.
+13  A: 

You can loop the ControlCollection.

Just remember that these controls can be nested, if they are in panels eg.

private void RecusiceControls(ControlCollection controls)
            foreach (Control control in controls)
                if (control is Button)

Have a look at this

Find a control recursively in C#

+19  A: 

Each Control has a Controls collection that you can iterate through to get the full hierarchy, but unfortunately ToolStrip items use a different object model (they aren't all Controls); as such, you can iterate such a setup (to include the menu items too), but it isn't trivial; here's an example:

    IEnumerable RecurseObjects(object root) {
        Queue items = new Queue();
        while (items.Count > 0) {
            object obj = items.Dequeue();
            yield return obj;
            Control control = obj as Control;
            if (control != null) {
                // regular controls and sub-controls
                foreach (Control item in control.Controls) {
                // top-level menu items
                ToolStrip ts = control as ToolStrip;
                if (ts != null) {
                    foreach(ToolStripItem tsi in ts.Items) {
            // child menus
            ToolStripDropDownItem tsddi = obj as ToolStripDropDownItem;
            if (tsddi != null && tsddi.HasDropDownItems) {
                foreach (ToolStripItem item in tsddi.DropDownItems) {

You might call this, for example, via something like:

    foreach (object obj in RecurseObjects(this)) {

Of course, then the question is: what do you want to do with each item?

Marc Gravell
Impressive use of the queue.
Avoids taking too much stack space ;-p
Marc Gravell
yield return seems better
@behrooz - it **does** use `yield return`; what it *doesn't* do is self-recurse on the stack to get child-controls, which can actually be very wasteful.
Marc Gravell
+1  A: 
public IEnumerable<Control> Get (object o)  
    if (o is System.Windows.Forms.Control)  
        System.Windows.Forms.Control f =(System.Windows.Forms.Control)o;  
        foreach(System.Windows.Forms.Control c in f.Controls)  
            yield return c;
            foreach(System.Windows.Forms.Control c2 in Get(c))  
                yield return c2;
Here you do `is`, but then cast, but as `Control` is a reference type it's quicker to do `var f = o as Control; if( f != null ) ...`
I just wanted to use the "yield return" statement and don't use a "Queue".
Hello Keith, I've tried your solution but got an error: foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<System.Windows.Forms.Control>' because 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<System.Windows.Forms.Control>' does not contain a public definition for 'GetEnumerator'
The return type should be `IEnumerable<Control>`, not `IEnumerator<Control>`
Ok. I Wrote it @ 2AM.I had no gray cell left in my brain.

How about this (similar to other answers but simple and easy to use):

using System.Windows.Forms;

public static class ControlExtensions 
    public IEnumerable<Control> DescendantControls(this Control control)  
        foreach(var child in control.Controls)  
            yield return child;
            foreach(var descendant in child.DescendantControls())  
                yield return descendant;

I've got a utility function like this that I use quite often.

How to use this code? I've added it in the main form and got an error:Extension methods must be defined in a non-generic static class
Updated example - this needs to be in its own static class. The you will be able to do `foreach(var ctrl in frmMain.DescendantControls() ) { ...`

I decided to give this a try. I downloaded your sample app and modified your main form to include the algorithm I think you have asked for. Hope this helps:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Test
   public partial class Form1 : Form
      public Form1()

         //if you debug this code then the objects is holding all controls on this form
         object objects = this;

         Dictionary<Control, string> allControls = GetIt(objects);

      /// <summary>
      /// How to get all control names an .Text values if availible (included this form)???
      /// </summary>
      private Dictionary<Control, string> GetIt(object objects)
          Dictionary<Control, string> found = new Dictionary<Control, string>();
          Queue<Control> controlQueue = new Queue<Control>();
          controlQueue.Enqueue(objects as Control);

          while (controlQueue.Count > 0)
              Control item = controlQueue.Dequeue();
              foreach (Control ctrl in item.Controls)
              found.Add(item, item.Text);

          return found;
Mark Ewer
Thanks Mark. Near to perfect just a little thing... how to get all MenuItems like menu22ToolStripMenuItem = "Menu2.2" and other subitems like text1ToolStripMenuItem = "text1" and the combobox text items?Regards.
ummm. I guess you would need reflection to find collections of controls. I'll take another whack at it.
Mark Ewer