select t1.ts as hival, t2.ts as loval
from metdata t1, metdata t2
where t2.ts = (select max(ts) from metdata t3
where t3.ts < t1.ts)
and not timediff(t1.ts, t2.ts) = '00:10:00'
This query will return couplets you can use to select the missing data. The missing data will have a timestamp between hival and loval for each couplet returned by the query.
EDIT - thx for checking, Craig
getting the missing timestamps - this SQL gets a bit harder to read, so I'll break it up a bit. First, we need a way to calculate a series of timestamp values between a given low value and a high value in 10 minute intervals. A way of doing this when you can't create tables is based on the following sql, which creates as a resultset all of the digits from 0 to 9.
select d1.* from
(select 1 as digit
union select 2
union select 3
union select 4
union select 5
union select 6
union select 7
union select 8
union select 9
union select 0
) as d1 by combining this table with a copy of itself a couple of times means we can dynamically generate a list of a specified length
select curdate() +
INTERVAL (d1.digit * 100 + d2.digit * 10 + d3.digit) * 10 MINUTE
as date
from (select 1 as digit
union select 2
union select 3
union select 4
union select 5
union select 6
union select 7
union select 8
union select 9
union select 0
) as d1
(select 1 as digit
union select 2
union select 3
union select 4
union select 5
union select 6
union select 7
union select 8
union select 9
union select 0
) as d2
(select 1 as digit
union select 2
union select 3
union select 4
union select 5
union select 6
union select 7
union select 8
union select 9
union select 0
) as d3
where (d1.digit * 100 + d2.digit * 10 + d3.digit) between 1 and 42
order by 1
... now this piece of sql is getting close to what we need. It has 2 input variables:
- a starting timestamp (I used
curdate() in the example); and a
- number of iterations - the where
clause specifies 42 iterations in
the example, maximum with 3 x digit tables is 1000 intervals
... which means we can use the original sql to drive the example from above to generate a series of timestamps for each hival lowval pair. Bear with me, this sql is a bit long now...
select daterange.loval + INTERVAL (d1.digit * 100 + d2.digit * 10 + d3.digit) * 10 MINUTE as date
(select t1.ts as hival, t2.ts as loval
from metdata t1, metdata t2
where t2.ts = (select max(ts) from metdata t3
where t3.ts < t1.ts)
and not timediff(t1.ts, t2.ts) = '00:10:00'
) as daterange
(select 1 as digit
union select 2
union select 3
union select 4
union select 5
union select 6
union select 7
union select 8
union select 9
union select 0
) as d1
(select 1 as digit
union select 2
union select 3
union select 4
union select 5
union select 6
union select 7
union select 8
union select 9
union select 0
) as d2
(select 1 as digit
union select 2
union select 3
union select 4
union select 5
union select 6
union select 7
union select 8
union select 9
union select 0
) as d3
where (d1.digit * 100 + d2.digit * 10 + d3.digit) between 1 and
round((time_to_sec(timediff(hival, loval))-600) /600)
order by 1 there's a bit of epic sql
NOTE : using the digits table 3 times gives a maximum gap it will cover of a bit over 6 days