



My site assigns each user a fake subdomain along the lines of

which redirects to

The second link is the one used internally, is assigned as link rel="canonical", and what I want to display in the browser as the correct url, the subdomain is basically just a convenience for my users.

The question is whether 301 is appropriate in this scenario? A 301 redirect is used for a link that now points elsewhere permenantly, which implies that the old link is deprecated. My concern is that I will attract bad SEO juju by using a 301 redirect whilst still advocating / promoting the use of the old link.

+1  A: 

Yes, 301 is the correct choice here as search engines will index the final URL rather than the subdomain. I've never heard of any penalty for having too many 301 redirects. Other redirect types less accurately described what you're looking for (temporarily moved, etc.).

I'm not worried about the amount of 301s causing a penalty, but whether advocating / promoting a link that is 301'd will cause harm to my site's ranking over time, as promoting a link suggests it is an active resource.
It's one thing if you setup the subdomains for convenience to the users rather than typing in the full URL (Google does this with ) for example, but I don't think you should be actively linking to the subdomain unless you switch your site over to making that the canonical URL. That said, I still haven't heard of a penalty for doing so, but I could be wrong. It seems like you could subtly promote the subdomain URLs to your users without actually linking to it everywhere.