Create an enum where the values correspond to bits in an integer. Adding the Flags attribute enabled you to do some more bit operations on the enum values.
public enum CanBe {
Sold = 1,
Bought = 2,
Exchanged = 4
Now you can just use the or operator between the values:
CanBe can = CabBe.Sold | CanBe.Exchanged.
You can add a state with the |= operator:
can |= CanBe.Sold;
Or several states:
can |= CanBe.Sold | CanBe.Bought;
You can keep a state with the &= operator:
can &= CanBe.Sold;
Or several states:
can &= CanBe.Sold | CanBe.Bought;
You can remove states by using the ~ operator to create a complement to a value:
can &= ~CabBe.Bough;
Or seveal states:
can &= ~(CabBe.Bough | CanBe.Exchanged);
You can check for a state using the & operator:
if ((can & CanBe.Sold) != 0) ...
Or several states at once:
if ((can & (CanBe.Sold | CanBe.Bought)) != 0) ...
Or check that several states are all set:
if ((can & (CanBe.Sold | CanBe.Bought)) == (CanBe.Sold | CanBe.Bought)) ...