The view below is a container for three user controls, and I started getting this error after refactoring application resources:
Error 295 Could not create an instance of type 'FilterPanel'. C:...\ProjectPickerWindow.xaml
Here is the xaml for the view:
<Window x:Class="Smack.ConstructionAdmin.WpfPresentation.Views.ProjectPicker.ProjectPickerWindow"
xmlns:local ="clr-namespace:Smack.ConstructionAdmin.WpfPresentation.Views.ProjectPicker"
Background="{DynamicResource {x:Static res:SmackResources.WaveWindowBackground}}"
Title="{Binding Path=DisplayName}" FontFamily="Arial" FontSize="12"
SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight" MinWidth="300"
<DockPanel LastChildFill="True">
<local:FilterPanel DockPanel.Dock="Top" DataContext="{Binding}" Padding="3" />
<local:StatusAndButtons DockPanel.Dock="Bottom" DataContext="{Binding}" Margin="3, 7" />
<local:Listing DataContext="{Binding}" Margin="3, 0"/>
The app runs fine, and I can undo the refactorings, but I would prefer not to. All of the user controls display fine in their designer windows.
Can someone tell me how to get this to display in the designer?
=== ADD'L INFO @ Andrew ===
Great general checklist, if not the fix yet.
1) no silent binding errors
2) the designer works great after commenting out the FilterPanel!
3) no noticeable behavior change; all tests past too
4) yeah, I may have not left enough bread crumbs to nail the exact refactor but major ones were:
-- put all converters for the presentation in the own ResourceDic
-- had the FilterPanel reference generic.xaml, which has all mergedResourceDics. It referenced a specific Dic called ListingStyles.xaml, which used to have the converters
As an aside, do any tools help find Resource 'problems' (Snoop, Mole?)? Is there anything like FxCop to find bad practices??