




I'd like to insert a picture (figure) into a document which is using a two-column layout. However, I want it to take one whole page and not be centered on one of the columns. Currently if I add a [p] modifier to the figure, the whole image lands on the last page, instead in the middle of the document.

How can I force one page to switch back to a single-column layout and insert a single big picture there?

+1  A: 

Use the figure* environment. So instead of

\begin{figure}[ht] % I typically use ht

you should use


This also works for tables (i.e. table*). Hope this helps!

The problem with this approach is that my columns are not balanced anymore on the last page if I use `figure*`. Not sure why it has any connection, but still :/
I've tried this. It's much more elegant than mine :)
I'm affraid of taht this workd only as `\begin{figure*}` or `\begin{figure*}[t]` initiation command. `[p]`,`[h]` and `[b]` parameters forced image to be set with correct dimensions but on last page.
For me, [t] and [p] worked as expected: [t] put it at the top of the page, and [p] put it on a new page not at the end of the document. Agreed that [h] and [b] do not work with this method.Not sure what the issue is with unbalanced columns, viraptor. Are the column widths are different?
Wow, smack me upside the head, viraptor. I understand what you mean by unbalanced now - length. Anywho, it seems to work for me. I'm using `\documentclass[twocolumn]{article}` with `\usepackage{balance}` in my preamble, then a `\balance` command just before I start my text for that section. Using the `[t]` for the figure, I get what I expect: figure at the top of a page in my text, and balanced-length columns on the last page.
Can't have `h` for a wide float, and `b` will only work if the figure is small enough (use `!` to override this, though).
Will Robertson

It is not elegant, but with float package loaded you can use:


But you have to place this piece of code to exact locetion in source code. Otherwise you'll get pagebreak anywhere in twocolumned page, then page with image image.

+1  A: 

\usepackage{multicol} in your preamble.



blah blah blah text




blah blah blah text


This is ugly, and dirty. and you will need to fiddle with where you figure is in order to get the text balanced, but it is exactly what you asked for.
