What cons of Oracle can you find?
- Oracle for private/small-time use is free. But Oracle for bigger users becomes EXPENSIVE quickly.
- Oracle is not simple to configure. Big buck paying companies usually keep full time Oracle admins on staff.
- If you're interfacing with Open Source code a lot, Oracle is not exactly popular there. You'd be closer to home with MySQL and PostgreSQL.
- After installing Oracle, you'll feel like your PC is no longer yours. It's HUGE and drains a lot of memory and performance.
Oracle has put no effort into making deployment easy. (And they have good economic reasons not to.)
The '' IS NULL Problem.
The oracle license agreement allows them to audit your usage of the database. So if you license for 5 users and you have 50 you are going to pay for 50. For web sites they really want you to have a license for each user.
Hiring folks to work with Oracle is more expensive than other databases (IBM DB2 is $$$ too).
Since Oracle is so expensive it assumes that it is the only thing running on a computer and it wants to take all of the resources of the entire machine.
The design of Oracle is more favorable to a UN*X server than a Windows machine (That may or may not be a disadvantage to you).
Most documentation is strictly from Oracle - there is very little on the web documentation/help/examples. For MySQL or other open source databases there is usually an answer to your problem with a Google search.
There is a big list of good things about Oracle too.
- Immense scalability
- Supports object oriented tables
- Lots of folks to hire to work on it
- Runs on all sorts of hardware
- Partitioning is AMAZING
- Cost based query optimization
out of my experience,
when we want to take a dump of the database and import later it takes for ever for a db of size 4 TB.
But if you do the same in DB2, its done in under an Hour.
Reason for oracle being very slow is, they do not allow users/dba to get dumps directly from the file level. they do not have any utilities or API to develop.
DB2 has some things like DSNUTILB, DSNTIAUD etc many more.