



Which package(s) do I need to load for jQuery UI in Seaside?

Currently I have these installed/loaded:

  • Pharo Seaside One-Click Image
  • Added the jQuery repository to the Monticello Browser (Squeaksource - jQuery)
  • Loaded jQuery-EL.10.mcz

However when I run this example I get the error "MessageNotUnderstood: WARenderCanvas>>jQuery"

+3  A: should give you a working load script for any possible configuration. Make sure to check jQuery and jQueryUI and then click on Load Script to download a script that you can drag & drop onto a Pharo Dev Image. Note, that jQuery is not available for Seaside 2.8.

Lukas Renggli
Thank you, looks like I was working with Seaside 2.8. I have loaded the Seaside 3 script, and it looks like I can now use jQuery. However, I'm not sure how to start the server now.
In the world menu (click on the desktop background) click on *Tools*, *More...*, and *Seaside Control Panel*. Then right click on the listing and select *Add Adaptor*, give a port number and click on *start*.Alternatively evaluate in a workspace: WAKom startOn: 8080
Lukas Renggli
I didn't find the Seaside control panel, but WAKom startOn: 8080 worked. Thanks a lot!