I have a png image file with alpha blending of its own. Now I want to load it onto a form in a mobile. I tried so many ways but not work. Is there any solution? Thanks in advance. This is what I use to load the image from resource:
Stream stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("drawObj.Graph.png");
Bitmap myPNGImg = new Bitmap(stream);
Then create new bitmap with same size of the images Graph.png:
Bitmap myBlankImg = new Bitmap(48,48);
Graphics mynewGraph = Graphics.FromImage(myNew);
Draw the PNG bitmap: mynewGraph.DrawImage(myPNGImg, 0, 0);
And then something I read from internet:(
Rectangle rectDest = new Rectangle(50,50, 100, 100);
ImageAttributes imgatt = new ImageAttributes();
imgatt.SetColorKey(Color.Transparent, Color.Transparent);
myGraph.DrawImage(myNew, rectDest, 0, 0, 99, 99,GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imgatt);
It works, but just clear the four corner of the images(somekind of rounded rectangle). There's still some white border around the images left.