



Hello, how I can use TextEdit component for passwords input?I want to se some "*" or "#" or another symbol when I type the password. Is there some property, where i can set such a thing?


I would recommend the PasswordBox control...

I want to use DevExpress TextEdit control. If i put Password box, I would have big problems with styles, becouse other controlls all are fro mdevexpress.
@Vytas999: You should *not* accept an answer that... well... is not an answer.
Andreas Rejbrand

I'm having the same issue. I'm also using DevExpress controls and would like to know if there's either an attribute to be set on a TextEdit control or another password control I could use? Here too, I'd prefer to stick to a DevExpress specific control due to styling.

Should be a comment to the question or the IanR response, not an answer!
Andreas Rejbrand
The "add comment" option isn't available on either the question or responses.