



I am writing a server control that is a search box with suggestions (when the user starts typing, matching words will appear for them to select). I am using jquery and C#.

The control works fine when I include the jquery Lib on the page that I am testing on. However, it will not work when I attempt to embed the lib in the DLL.

I have tried completely embedding it and registering the script:

ClientScriptManager manager = this.Page.ClientScript;
manager.RegisterClientScriptResource(typeof(Search), jqueryResource); //jqueryResource= SearchControl.javascript.jquery.js

and I am also tried just adding a tag in the header of the page that includes the jquery:

string javascriptUrl = manager.GetWebResourceUrl(typeof(Search), jqueryResource); 
LiteralControl jquery = new LiteralControl(string.Format(javascriptInclude, jqueryUrl));

Both ways cause javascript errors (Object Expected) when trying to get information from controls

var params = $("#searchBox").val(); //called on keyup when typing in textbox

Has someone done this before? Is it possible? Can someone shed some light on this?

PS: Assemblies are already registered in the AssemblyInfo.cs file.

+2  A: 

EDIT: Just re-read your question and realised I've just repeated what you've done. However this is my implementation which works as expected:

You need to use RegisterClientScriptResource. Just call the following snippet (taken from my ScriptRegisterHelper static class) in the PreRender event of the control:

/// <summary>
/// Registers the jQuery client script to the page.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cs">The ClientScriptManager to assign the script to.</param>
internal static void RegisterJQuery(ClientScriptManager cs)

And for completion, here's the implentation:

protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
    if (!this.DesignMode)

       // Register the JavaScript libraries
       ClientScriptManager cs = this.Page.ClientScript;


And the AssemblyInfo file:

[assembly: System.Web.UI.WebResource("MyProject.Resources.jquery.js", "text/javascript")]
This is exactly what I did initially and it still didnt work. Then something clicked while I continued to ponder it. I looked at the script file build action and Guess What? That's right, I forgot to set this one to be an embedded resource (You think it would do this when you register the assemblies). Anyway, it works like a charm now. Thanks for your help!
The Sheek Geek
I knew I should have mentioned that as well! Doh.
Thanks for this reminder on setting the resource to be Embedded. This was driving me crazy.