




Hello Mr Demas,

According to your answer in the previous discuss about how to show sum data by CG Group. You said that I try to write fetch() and send() method. Actually, I don’t know how to write it based on available report. Here’s the context all field in report: CG Code Amount Current 1-30days 31-60days 61-180days

1.1 5 10 15 20 22

1.1 6 2 2 5 5

1.2 6 5 1 6 6

2.3 1 2 3 5 5

2.3 5 20 30 50 10

I have report with name “SKV_Tec_CustAging” get from DataSource is table “CustTable”. - Column “CG Code” in report gets from CustTable.StatisticGroup - Column “Amount” in report gets method “getCalTotalAmountMST”. Method “getCalTotalAmountMST” is written as: display Amount getCalTotalAmountMST() { CustInvoiceJour custInvoiceJour; CustTransOpen custTransOpen; TransDate compareDate; TransDate balanceAsSika;


compareDate = startDate - CustTable.SKV_PaymtDay();
totalAmountMST = 0;

select AmountMST from CustTransOpen where CustTransOpen.TransDate <= compareDate && CustTransOpen.AccountNum == CustTable.AccountNum;

totalAmountMST += custTransOpen.AmountMST;
return    totalAmountMST;

} -Similar with the column “Current”, “1-30days”, “31-60days”…also is written method for every column the same that method. But, I want it only shows a row total as sample

CG Code Amount Current 1-30days 31-60days 61-180days

1.1 11 12 17 25 27

1.2 6 5 1 6 6

2.3 6 22 33 55 15

Currently, in the report has send() method for each row, printed in the report but fetch() method don't have in the report. Please help me to write method fetch() to show by group CG in report. Thank you very much.