




Hi all,

I was wondering if it is possible to write an introductory text on the page generated by \part{...} in LaTeX?

I have tried to insert text on it, but it will just generate a blank page before the text.

Regards, Kenneth

+1  A: 

You may define own macro \mypart. For example

  \par\break % Page break
  \vskip .3\vsize % Vertical shift
  \refstepcounter{part}% Next part
  {\centering\Large Part \thepart.\par}% 
  \vskip .1\vsize % Vertical shift 
  % Some text
  \vfill\break % Fill the end of page and page break

\part{Main}{Something about main...}
Alexey Malistov
Thank you Alexey! I ended up with the following:\def\mypart#1#2{% \par\newpage\clearpage % Page break \vspace*{5cm} % Vertical shift \refstepcounter{part}% Next part {\centering \textbf{\Huge Part \thepart}\par}% \vspace{1cm}% Vertical shift {\centering \textbf{\Huge #1}\par}% \vspace{2cm}% Vertical shift % Some text #2 \vfill\pagebreak % Fill the end of page and page break}
Kenneth Fuglsang