I have been keeping up with .NET CLR for awhile now, and my language of choice is C#.
Up until recently, I was unaware that C++/CLI could produce "mixed mode" executables capable of running native and managed code.
Now knowing this, another developer friend of mine were discussing this attribute and trying to determine when and how this ability would be useful.
I take it as a given that native code has the capability to be more efficient and powerful than managed code, at the expense of additional development time.
In the past, I resorted to strictly native C++ code libraries and used Interop to make use of the functionality I wrote into the native library.
I can see the benefit of not requiring an additional library, but I'm curious as to what all the pros/cons of using C++/CLI over soley managed executable created in C#, or such an executable using Interop to call a purely native C++ library?
(Sidenote: Are the terms Interop/PInvoke interchangeable, as I d.on't understand the difference between the terms, simply seen them used the same way.)