



I have an array of dictionaries with each dictionary holding keys that store information about local places (name, address, vibe, facilities, etc.) . I have a tableview that is sorted according to the name, but I can't seem to get the detail view to view correctly. Here is a sample of the code I am trying to do to display the address info (just to give an idea of what i am trying to do) in the detail view:

places is the array of dictionaries.

NSDictionary *dictionary = [self.places objectAtIndex:indexPath.section];

NSString *addressValue = [dictionary objectForKey:ADDRESS_KEY];

cell1.textLabel.text = addressValue;

when I do this it runs correctly but displays the same address for each place.

is there something i need to set in the root view controller's didSelectRowAtIndexPath section that will bring up the address for the selected place?