I have written this program for connecting and fetching the data into file, but this program is so slow in fetching . is there is any way to improve the performance and faster way to load the data into the file . iam targeting around 100,000 to million of records so thats why iam worried about performance and also can i use array fetch size and batch size as we can do in java.
import java.sql as sql
import java.lang as lang
def main():
driver, url, user, passwd = ('oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver','jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe','odi_temp','odi_temp')
##### Register Driver
##### Create a Connection Object
myCon = sql.DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, passwd)
f = open('c:/test_porgram.txt', 'w')
##### Create a Statement
myStmt = myCon.createStatement()
##### Run a Select Query and get a Result Set
myRs = myStmt.executeQuery("select emp_id ,first_name,last_name,date_of_join from src_sales_12")
##### Loop over the Result Set and print the result in a file
while (myRs.next()):
print >> f , "%s,%s,%s,%s" %(myRs.getString("EMP_ID"),myRs.getString("FIRST_NAME"),myRs.getString("LAST_NAME"),myRs.getString("DATE_OF_JOIN") )
### Entry Point of the program
if __name__ == '__main__':