



Question about the ListBox.DataBinding method. I'm loading a listbox with a DataRows array object and I want to check for each DataRow element a column value if its true/false. If the column value is true, then modify the style for the current listBox.ListItem object. Below is some sample code.:

System.Data.DataRow[] rows = Data.SchoolDetails.Select(filter);
lstBox.DataBinding += new EventHandler(lstBox_DataBinding);
lstBox.DataSource = rows;
lstBox.DataTExtField = "Value";
lstBox.DataValueField = "ValueCode";

static void lstBox_DataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
  ListBox l = (ListBox) sender;
+1  A: 

You can't really do that with a ListBox. Maybe you should use ListView, which supports an ItemDataBinding event for each item.

John Saunders

The best answer is probably the one you included in the comment above.

As an alternative I can just loop through the DataRow array and do it that way, and set the style by doing this: lstBox.Items.Add(new ListItem("").Attributes.CssStyle.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.FontWeight, "Bold"));. Thanks for hte help. – Brandon Michael Hunter

That is exactly how I'd do it.

Stephen M. Redd