I have an application that polls different bins at different times and computes the number of widgets in each bin based on the weight. Polling is done every few minutes and the result is timestamped and added to a MySQL table. The table contains the 3 columns below. The example shows 3 bins (A,B and C) but there could be anywhere from 1 to 10 bins for the same widget. (Tiny widgets could be just in 1 or 2 bins and larger widgets may take up more bins)
timestamp bin Widget_Count
1 A 8
2 B 7
3 C 4
4 A 1
5 B 3
6 C 5
7 A 6
8 B 7
9 C 2
The application needs to generate a 'stock history' report - this would involve computing at each timestep what is the total no. of items from all bins at that timestep. For this example, the report will contain only the timestamp column and the CountHistory column (last column) below (the other columns are shown just to show the computations)
At time 1, A has been polled and has 8 widgets. B and C have not been polled. So the total is 8.
At time 2, B has been polled and has 7 widgets. So the total is 17
At time 3, C has been polled and has 4 widgets. So the total is 19
At time 4, A polled again and has only 1 widget. So the total is now 1+4+7=12
..and so on.
timestamp bin Widget_ A B C CountHistory
Count (stock flow)
1 A 8 8 0 0 8
2 B 7 8 7 0 15
3 C 4 8 7 4 19
4 A 1 1 7 4 12
5 B 3 1 3 4 8
6 C 5 1 3 5 9
7 A 6 6 3 5 14
8 B 7 6 7 5 18
9 C 2 6 7 2 15
I would appreciate any help on how best to go about this. I tried to create a temporary table, scroll through each record using a cursor but could not get the correct queries.
(I had asked a related question before but I did not frame the question correctly and goofed up the example as well. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1160729/need-help-with-queries-views-in-microsoft-access)