I have a Crystal Report that was designed against a dev database. When I load it into the live system I need it to run a different but equivalent database. Normally I just run reports through some code in C# that sets the connection info, parameters and calls VerifyDatabase on the report and subreports and it all works well.
In one particular report this doesn't work though and doesn't seem to verify anything and the report crashes with an error 'The field name is not known' in one of the sub reports. With this report if I manually verify it in the Crystal Reports application against the live database then it all works fine.
So the question is, is there anything different that Verify Database function in the Crystal application does that I should do in code other than set connection info, parameters and call VerifyDatabase method?
Edit: Some more info on what I tried
- Get a backup of the live database and put it on our dev environment.
- Manually verify the report against this database (which is exactly the same structure as live)
- Load the report into the live system and run it.
Error still occurs.