I am putting together a nice little database for adding values to options, all these are setup through a map (Has and Belongs to Many) table, because many options are pointing to a single value.
So I am trying to specify 3 option.ids and a single id in a value table - four integers to point to a single value. Three tables. And I am running into a problem with the WHERE part of the statement, because if multiple values share an option there are many results. And I need just a single result.
SELECT value.id, value.name FROM value
LEFT JOIN (option_map_value, option_table)
ON (value.id = option_map_value.value_id AND option_map_value.option_table_id = option_table.id)
WHERE option_table.id IN (5, 2, 3) AND value.y_axis_id = 16;
The problem with the statement seems to be the IN on the WHERE clause. If one of the numbers are different in the IN() part, then there are multiple results - which is not good.
I have tried DISTINCT, which again works if there is one result, but returns many if there is many. The closest we have gotten to is adding a count - to return to value with the most options at the top.
So is there a way to do the WHERE to be more specific. I cannot break it out into option_table.id = 5 AND option_table.id = 2 - because that one fails. But can the WHERE clause be more specifc?
Maybe it is me being pedantic, but I would like to be able to return just the single result, instead of a count of results... Any ideas?